As a society, we have so many urgent problems on the table that it is difficult to establish priorities. Every day we receive hundreds of worrying impacts in the news that make us participants in extremely disturbing problems ranging from climate change to inequality, passing through loss of biodiversity, violence or corruption among others.
Deciding on an area of action to make a significant change is overwhelmingly complicated. However, within each person lies a story that connects with specific values, interests, and a goal. The rest is a matter of pulling the thread.
Why textile waste?
Our story began with a small sustainable clothing brand. Our interests and values led us to undertake a business adventure in which, in addition to exploring the possibilities of the fashion industry, we wanted to contribute our vision of how to do business when you want to have a sustainable clothing brand.
We soon realized that any sustainability effort would be buried, literally, under the great problem of textile waste. It was obvious that to have the slightest impact on the environment, a simple clothing brand was not enough.
But experience also showed us that we were not the only brand that wanted to make a change. We discovered that we needed to be more ambitious, that we needed organization, to join forces and aim high.
A new horizon
Over time, things fell into place and this new project began that we have called T-Neutral for a few years now. Along the way, great stories, learnings, and perspectives have emerged that we want to share with all of you who are interested in the textile industry stepping up to offer products that do not pose an environmental problem.
Our goal is part of our motto: “A horizon free of textile waste.” If you are part of the industry and this is also your goal, welcome. In this blog, you will find resources, perspectives, and solutions to the enormous challenges posed by the transition from linear production to a circular economy.
If you have any questions or want to share your own stories, perspectives, and solutions, do not hesitate to write to us at Big goals can only be achieved as a team, and we would love to have you on our side.